Funded Projects in Cumberland

Age UK Carlisle and Eden Logo

Organisation: Age UK Carlisle and Eden, Carlisle

Funding received: £4278 (Phase: 1 December 2022 - 31 March 23)

Project Outline: CARE TO MOVE PROJECT - Through completing Later Life Training’s Care to Move programme, a core of 6 staff will be able to champion Live Longer Better principles in working with frailty and home-based recovery though the Well@Home service and Home Support.

Age UK West Cumbria Logo

Organisation: Age UK West Cumbria, Workington

Funding received: £6264 (Phase: 1 December 2022 - 31 March 23)

Project Outline: CARE TO MOVE PROJECT – Through completing Later Life Training’s Care to Move programme, a core of 6 staff will be able to champion Live Longer Better principles in working with frailty and home-based recovery. This work will then be blended with other initiatives that are creating similar engagement opportunities for the same target audience for example digital champions upskilling.

Carlisle Sight Support Logo

Organisation: Carlisle Sight Support/Eden Rock

Funding received: £633.20 (Phase: 2 1st April 2023 - 31 March 24)

Project Outline: BOULDERING FOR OLDER ADULTS WITH VISUAL IMPAIRMENTS - Carlisle Sight Support will work in partnership with Eden Rock/Northern Bouldering to offer introductory bouldering and climbing sessions for partially sighted older adults.  As well as offering an exciting opportunity for visually-impaired older adults to take part in a form of physical activity they may not have previously considered accessible, the bright colours and varying texture of the wall and climbing holds ensure the activity will promote maximum stimulation of the senses. The low-level bouldering walls, some of which include horizontal ropes, provide a perfect setting at which to gently introduce participants to the activity whilst physically supported by an instructor or carer.

Yoga 4 Health Logo

Organisation: Caring About You CIC, Copeland

Funding received: £3371 (Phase: 1 December 2022 - 31 March 23)

Project Outline: YOGA 4 HEALTH - The Yoga4Health programme was commissioned by West London CCG as a Social Prescribing intervention. Specifically designed to enable individuals to improve their physical and psychological wellbeing, it aims to address risk factors for non-communicable diseases including cardiovascular disease, diabetes, anxiety, depression, and social isolation. Pilot courses will be run in Cleator Moor and Seascale by qualified instructor Margaret Beck. To find out more, read the end of project report here

Home Group Logo

Organisation: Home Group Housing Association

Funding received: £5960 (Phase: 2 1st April 2023 - 31 March 24)

Project Outline: RESIDENTS ACTIVITY PROGRAMME - Funding to train 8 housing management workers that work exclusively within Home Group schemes to deliver armchair exercise classes. The free classes will give customers the opportunity to increase their physical activity levels within the comfort of their home setting, along with their peers, which will provide lots of encouragement and the chance to increase social interaction. Eight activity kits that customers could use at their own leisure within the communal facilities at the schemes will also be purchased.

Hiking Household Logo

Organisation: The Hiking Household CIC

Funding received: £3565 (Phase: 2 1st April 2023 - 31 March 24)

Project Outline: WALKING MAPS FOR PRIORITY PLACES - The Hiking Household will provide maps highlighting where short walks are available not only showing a trail but they will also highlighting where all benches are - allowing for regular stops throughout the walk. They will include key points in regard to helping older adults Live Longer Better - physical exercises but also mental exercises too. Once the maps are produced Ramblers Wellbeing Walks will be set up for each mapped route. This will help to reduce isolation and encourage older adults to get outside, get moving, feel more confident and hopefully make new friends along the way.

View the maps

Funding received: £1,571 (Phase 3 1st Paril 2024 - 31 March 2025)

Project Outline: Strength and Balance Outdoors resource – The Hiking Household will design a leaflet which offers ideas on how to get outside more, exercises to keep mentally and physically fit and also signpost to websites if appropriate. This leaflet will be the same design as the previous ones but it will not include a specific area so it can be used all throughout Cumbria to help older adults get outside more and feel the physical and mental benefits of this. It will be a generic leaflet so it can be implemented where the need is greatest.

Organisation: Botcherby Community Centre

Funding received: £9370 (Phase 2 1st April 2023 – 31 March 2024)

Project Outline: EXERCISE ON REFERAL FOR THOSE 65YRS+ - Botcherby Community Centre’s Exercise on Referral scheme will be used as the basis for a research project in order to gather data on the impact of their programme for a cohort of older adults. It is intended that the report from this research will provide Botcherby CC with a sound evidence base from which to secure funding from new sources in the future.

Currock House Community Centre Logo

Organisation: Currock Community Association

Funding received: £3318 (Phase 2 1st April 2023 – 31 March 2024)

Project Outline: SENIOR STRENGTH AND TAI CHI CLASSES – This investment into Currock Community Association’s offer to older adults will see the incorporation of strength and balance classes as recommended by the Chief Medical Officer. Funding will also be used to rebrand and promote classes for older adults as well as the purchase of new equipment. Free taster sessions will be offered to attendees in order to facilitate their taking part.

Together We Logo

Organisation: Together We (in collaboration with West Cumbria Age UK)

Funding received: £5552 (Phase 2 1st April 2023 – 31 March 2024)

Project Outline: OLDER ADULTS’ MULTIPURPOSE FITNESS SPACE – Funding will facilitate the installation of hydraulic circuit training equipment and small gym equipment at The Bradbury Centre in Workington. Following from this, a programme of strength training and fitness classes will be available to the older adult community form the surrounding area, both those who already access Age UK’s support and attracting new audiences. Sustainability of this programme will be achieved through investment support, voluntary contribution and gathering of evidence to support future funding bids.

Community Sports Trust Logo

Organisation: Carlisle United Community Sports Trust

Funding received: £3870 (Phase 2 1st April 2023 – 31 March 2024)

Project Outline: PHYSICAL HEALTH AND MENTAL WELLBEING SESSIONS FOR 65YRS+ - Funding will be used to provide one session 90 min session a week targeting people who are 65+, lonely, socially isolated, recently bereaved, depressed or have lost confidence within their body due to health conditions. The sessions will provide information on managing grief, self-care techniques, and strategies for improving mental health and well-being. They will include a range of sporting and physical activities appropriate to the stage of life of participants (65+).

Cumbria Yoga Foundation Logo

Organisation: Cumbria Yoga Foundation

Funding received: £1686 (Phase 2 1st April 2023 – 31 March 2024); £4,982 (Phase 3 1st April 2024 - 31 March 2025)

Project Outline: COMMUNITY YOGA IN WORKINGTON AND KESWICK - The project, whilst focusing on the physical aspects of yoga practice, will also bring people together in a safe, fun, friendly and caring environment at Healthy Hopes in Workington and Keswick Senior Citizens Club. This is particularly important in Cumbria where a higher proportion of people may experience feelings of isolation due to the dispersed nature of the population and relative difficulty with access to services.

The second phase of this project includes continuation of our work with Healthy Hopes in Workington, and extending our offer to older adults who are supported by Age UK in Barrow, St Cuthberts Court in Carlisle and The Centre in Maryport.

Better Logo

Organisation: GLL – THE SANDS CENTRE

Funding received: £3929 (Phase 2 1st April 2023 – 31 March 2024); £3952 (Phase 3 1st April 2024 - 31 March 2025)

Project Outline: BETTER SENIOR - Every Monday morning a variety of sports will be on offer, with coffee and cake to encourage socialising and to help prevent loneliness, as well specific sessions for seniors in the centre throughout the week.

The second phase of this project includes adding additional Better Senior sessions on Wednesdays and Fridays, incorporating activities such as walking, circuits, gym, dance and Pickleball.

R & R Day Services Logo

Organisation: R and R Day Services

Funding received: £1872 (Phase 2 1st April 2023 – 31 March 2024)

Project Outline: 1:1 AND SMALL GROUP ACTIVITIES - Members are in need of additional support rather than the main group activities due to their social isolation for so long, their lack of confidence, decline in their cognition. Funding will be used to trial employing an extra member of staff to provide smaller group activities and for one-to-one support. One-to-one sessions will allow the group to work more on standing exercises and skills where additional supervision is needed.

The Susie Tate Project Logo

Organisation: The Susie Tate Project

Funding received:  £3069 (Phase 2 1st April 2023 – 31 March 2024)

Project Outline: ABOUT BEING – DANCE FOR STROKE SURVIVORS - The project includes development of an ‘ambassadors programme’ co-designed with participants and Stroke Discharge nurses, 6 introductory dance and movement sessions to 2 older adults groups at Botcherby and Yewdale Community Centres and visits to the stroke ward at the Cumberland Infirmary to engage with patients pre-discharge and connect them with About Being and with its ambassadors.

Castle & Coasts Housing Association Logo

Organisation: Castles and Coasts Housing Association

Funding received:  £1685 (Phase 2 1st April 2023 – 31 March 2024)

Project Outline: RESIDENTS ACTIVITY PROGRAMME - Funding to train 3 housing management workers that work exclusively within Castles and Coasts schemes to deliver armchair exercise classes. The free classes will give customers the opportunity to increase their physical activity levels within the comfort of their home setting, along with their peers, which will provide lots of encouragement and the chance to increase social interaction. Three activity kits that customers could use at their own leisure within the communal facilities at the schemes will also be purchased.

Cumbria Dead Association Logo

Organisation: Cumbria Deaf Association

Funding received: £3039 (Phase 3 1st April 2024 – 31 March 2025)

Project Outline: This project will be a pilot, aimed at Deaf and hard of hearing people who live in the Carlisle area.  Many Deaf and hard of hearing adults do not take part in any form of exercise, due to a number of reasons, but mostly communication difficulties.  CDA will introduce a range of activities and staff training in order to offer more physical activity to their members, including chair-based exercise, boccia and well-being walks.

Northern Fells Group Logo

Organisation: Northern Fells Group

Funding received: £4,700 (Phase 3 1st April 2024 – 31 March 2025)

Project Outline: NFG Fit For Life - The Northern Fells Group (NFG) is a community charity based in North Cumbria serving 3,700 residents in an upland area of over 200 square miles. The funding will be used to start new physical activity groups and 1:1 physical activity support (home visits) to older adults (age 65+). It will enable NFG to enhance their current offering by providing an additional dementia dance class. 

Greystone Community Centre Logo

Organisation: Linda Watson Pilates at Greystone Community Centre

Funding received: £2,423 (Phase 3 1st April 2024 – 31 March 2025)

Project Outline: Senior Pilates - A new group will be encouraged to participate in Pilates sessions at Greystone Community Centre in Carlisle as part of their programme of events. It is accepted that there is a need to build confidence and social networks with mature adults in the area. With the use of supportive equipment, individuals will have access to exercising safely with added assistance. This support enables those with limited movement to access, and feel the benefits of Pilates.

Fit4Life Logo

Organisation: Fit 4 Life (Cumbria)

Funding received: £4,841 (Phase 3 1st April 2024 – 31 March 2025)

Project Outline: First Steps to Fitness – Funding will be used to set up and run three, 12 week First Steps to Fitness courses in each Health and Rehabilitation Gym (Maryport, Workington and Whitehaven). The courses would include tailored exercises provided for each individual based on their condition, level of ability and goals. There is currently a lack of falls prevention type activities locally and these First Steps to Fitness courses would help to address this gap in service provision.

Lime Green Yogi Logo

Organisation: Lime Green Yogi

Funding received: £1,151 (Phase 3 1st April 2024 – 31 March 2025)

Project Outline: ‘Stretch, Relax, Connect’ - In collaboration with a Practice Manager who identified patients in need, 14 weekly sessions of a one hour seated ‘stretch, relax and connect’ session will be set up, based in Longtown Medical Centre, Cumbria, for those aged 65+ with or at risk of long term health issues in a rural priority area who are lonely and socially isolated. The project will demonstrate the benefits of weekly exercise, social connections for 65+ in a rural area of Cumbria, especially for widowed men identified by the medical centre.

ican logo

Organisation: iCan Wellbeing Group CIO

Funding received: £5,000 (Phase 3 1st April 2024 – 31 March 2025)

Project Outline: Bellicon over 65s group – iCan have an instructor that has completed their bellicon health education course to become qualified in pre and rehabilitation on the bellicon (a project only available at iCan, its benefits researched by the University of Cumbria). Funding will be used to extend this programme to a specific over 65s group, not just for those awaiting surgery but also as part of iCan’s commitment to prevention.  This is a project that will work with people who are alienated from traditional exercise due to their long-term conditions.