PE Networks

The PE Network meetings are for PE Subject Leaders in Primary Schools across the county, designed to share good practice, respond to requests for future professional development and provide free independent advice and updates on national programmes and directives.

Examples of discussions include: effective use of the Sport and PE funding; guidance on the use of coaches in school; information about upcoming events and further information on regional and national updates.

The PE network meetings are organised by the local School Games Organisers, supported by an Active Cumbria officer.  

County Online Meetings 

Our Cumbria PE Network Meetings are online events, designed to remove the barrier of time taken to travel to meetings. These termly meetings include CPD input from a keynote speaker, county updates and breakout rooms for the locality areas.

Autumn Term (2024-25)

This term our focus is on PE and Sport Premium. Please join us to hear from our keynote speaker who will share the reporting requirements for 2024-2025 and give some useful tips and ideas for best practice. There will also be an opportunity to receive updates from your local SGO.

- Target audience: Primary PE Leads

- Venue: A Microsoft Teams link will be sent prior to the event

- Keynote Speaker: Dr Vicky Randall

Vicky is a leading expert in Primary PE and the School Sport Premium, with over a decade of research and published work in this area. She has advised the Department for Education (DfE) on funding strategies, influencing policy at the highest levels. Vicky has worked extensively with subject leaders across England and is passionately committed to enhancing the quality of PE in primary schools.

Next Meetings (Localities):

Dates to follow