Early Years Physical Activity Guidelines
How physically active should babies and young children be?
Babies under 1 year should....
- Be encouraged to be physically active throughout the day, every day including crawling.
- Not yet crawling encourage them to be physically active through reaching and grasping, pushing and pulling, moving their head, body and limbs.
- Dont forget about the importance of 30 minutes of 'tummy time' when they're awake, spread throughout the day.
Toddlers (aged 1-2) should....
- Be physically active throughout the day, every day for at least 180 minutes (3 hours).
- 180 minutes can include both light activity such as playing through to more energetic activities such as running and jumping.
- Remember active play and outdoors play too - all good ways to get toddlers moving.
Pre-schoolers (aged 3-4) should....
- Be as physically active as toddlers but in addition make sure that 60 minutes of the recommended total 180 minutes is spent doing moderate and vigorous physical activity.
Physical Activity Guidelines For Children Under Five Years
Chief Mecial Officers Recommendations for Physical Activity 0-5 Years