Safeguarding Adults Week 18 - 22 November 2024

October 28, 2024

Safeguarding Adults Week (18 - 22 November 2024) is a time for organisations to come together to raise awareness of important safeguarding issues.

We are pleased to be supporting the Ann Craft Trust campaign sharing resources and advice for Safeguarding Adults in the Sports and Physical Activity Sector. 

The core theme for the 2024 week is Working in Partnership. We believe that working in partnerships allows us to share our knowledge of safeguarding, learn from others and ultimately create safer cultures.

On Monday 18 November the campaign focuses on Developing Professional Curiosity – Look Learn Ask. 

Professional curiosity means taking interest in a person, while at the same time observing, listening, and asking questions to ensure we get the fullest possible picture of the situation. This helps us to test or challenge our working assumptions.

Professional curiosity means looking beyond the information that is immediately available to us to dig deeper into the grey areas. It means we explore the areas where we might have doubts, to find some clarity. Sometimes, the things that people are not saying or doing can trigger this professional curiosity.

Take a look at these 5 statements and questions relating to ‘Professional Curiosity’, think about how these resonate with you and apply them to your day-to-day life.

1.     What is likely to trigger your professional curiosity?

 2.     What is stopping you being curious?

 3.     What are you really seeing and hearing about a ‘situation’?

 4.     Listen to your ‘gut feeling’. If you feel that something is not right, then it probably isn’t. What can you do to learn more about the situation?

 5.     What is happening, why is it happening?

Next steps....To find out more visit the ‘An essential introduction to professional curiosity’ page on the Ann Craft Trust website.

Do check out our dedicated safeguarding section on our website here.

Active Cumbria are working in partnership with a wide range of organisations across Cumbria including Cumbria Safeguarding Adults BoardAnn Craft Trust, Cumbria Police, NHS, CNTW, Cumberland Council, Westmorland and Furness Council,Healthwatch, LSC (Lancashire & South Cumbria ICB), NCIC (North Cumbria Integrated Care Board) and North East & North Cumbria Integrated Care Board, Recovery Steps Cumbria, Healthwatch, UHMBT (University Hospital Morecambe Bay Trust) and Cumbria Fire and Rescue.

We believe that working in partnerships allows us to share our knowledge of safeguarding, learn from others and ultimately create safer cultures.

Together we can help keep everyone #SafeinSport

(photo credit: Paul Want)