Supporting the Sector - Coronavirus

Latest government guidance

As of 1 April, we're in the government's 'Living with respiratory infections, including Covid-19' phase of their response to the coronavirus pandemic.

This means that there are now no coronavirus-related legal restrictions in place.

All forms of activity can take place with no coronavirus-related restrictions on how many people can participate, and all sports facilities can open.

However, we'd advise that you should follow your national governing bodies', sports provider's or venues' guidance as appropriate.

More information about what is and isn't allowed is available on the government’s website

There's a lot for sport and physical activity providers to consider as restrictions are removed. Sport England have guidance on a range of topics to help you facilitate the return to play. 

We would advise sports clubs to check their national governing body of sport website for additional sport specific information. See list of Guidance by Sport  

Government Guidance for the Return of Sport & Recreation

The following guidance updates are correct as of April 2022:

Sport England: 

Sport England have compiled advice and guidance on how the sport and physical activity sector can prepare for a safe return to play. This support includes the current government guidance, research on what will help people return to play, plus advice for clubs, the professional workforce, volunteers and more.  You can find this on their website Return to play | Sport England

There is also support for sports clubs and organisations, direct on the Club Matters website. Here you can access our wide range of tools, guidance and resources that cover all aspects of running a sports club or group – everything’s free, bitesize and simple to use.

Sport England Funding: In March 2020 Sport England announced they made £195 million of funding available to help the sport and physical activity sector through the ongoing coronavirus (Covid-19) crisis. Find out more. A number of funds are currently paused, and new ones (such as the Return to Play funding and a partnership with Crowdfunder) opened. See more on our Funding page and Covid-19 funding page.

Financial support for businesses & charities: 

Funding: If you have funding in place already and are worried about this, please get in touch with your funders direct. A number of funders have already expressed they are happy to be flexible, but you must make contact with them. If you are looking for funding, please see our funding page which we will update with any new funds. Please also sign up to our funding newsletter here

Charities Commission: If you are set up as a Charity, please refer to the latest advice from the Charities Commission. This includes information for Trustees, information about the use of reserves and more.

Government Business Support: The Government have announced a number of measures to support businesses, you will find the latest here.

Coronavirus Additional Restrictions Grant: The Additional Restrictions Grant (ARG) supports businesses that are not covered by other grant schemes or where additional funding is needed. This is distributed via local authorities, please check with your local authority to see what is available. By local authority we mean the following district councils: 

Find out if you are eligible here. Some also have discretionary funds available, so if you find you are not eligble you could still enquire about discretionary funds. 

Sector specific resources:

Club Matters: has been populated with a number of new resources, case studies and guidance re coronavirus. See their support page here. 

UK Coachinghave temporarily unlocked 10 of their most valuable subscriber resources, making them available to all registered on the site.

CIMSPA: Have created a hub as a place to bring together advice and practical assistance on coronavirus (Covid-19), including offers of support from many of their partners.

UK Active: Advice and guidance for the sector and the latest information

Your Governing Body: We would advise sports clubs to check their national governing body of sport website for additional sport specific information. See list of Guidance by Sport  


See our courses page for current opportunities

ReActivate is a new, free, online training platform, designed to equip anyone working or volunteering in the sport, fitness, leisure and physical activity sector in England with the knowledge and skills they need to confidently return to work or restart their coaching activity. Click HERE for more and to sign up.


The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic presents new safeguarding challenges for all those working or volunteering with children.

The CPSU is compiling the latest information and resources for those in the sports sector here.

The Ann Craft Trust has Covid 19 advice here.

Mental Health: Mind have produced a guide aims to equip the sport and physical activity sector with the tools and information required to support the mental health of staff, coaches, volunteers and participants as we ‘return to play’.

Impact of Covid19:

We have pulled together some of the reports and emerging evidence on the impact of Covid19, see here

Support in Cumbria: 

Cumbria County Council:  

Cumbria CVS: The wider third sector in Cumbria is being supported by Cumbria CVS, see information here

Action for Communities Cumbria: Support for communities and community building is available through Action for Communities Cumbria, see information here.

Cumbria Social Enterprise Partnership: Some organisations may be looking at alternative models of business; CSEP have been funded by Cumbria County Council to provide support and advice.

About Us

Thee Active Cumbria Team continue to work from home, minimising our non-essential travel, and use virtual meetings wherever possible. This is very much in line with the procedures of our host agency, Cumbria County Council.

All of our Team can be contacted either via email or mobile phone, and the details can be found here

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