What Music Gets You Moving?

December 15, 2017

Rock, Indie, Hip-hop, Rap, C-pop or a bit of Bhangra?

Whatever you listen to while exercising researchers at the University of Cumbria want to hear from you as they aim to compile what they hope will be the world’s largest music preference survey. Sports and Medical Sciences department staff Dr Dave Elliott and Psychologist Dr Julie Taylor are currently studying the music choice of exercisers from around the world.

Their aim is to collect information from 200,000 exercisers. They are hoping to collect information from as broader range (e.g. age, gender, Nationality) of people as possible.

Currently, music and exercise research has tended to focus on the use of Western Dance and Pop music. The information from this survey will allow us to assess the impact of age, gender, ethnicity and Nationality upon music selection for exercise, and so allow us to present broader guidelines on the appropriate use of music in the exercise setting.

The survey should take approximately 1-minute to complete. 

 STEP 1: Click the link below

STEP 2: Complete the survey

STEP 3: Copy and send the link along with this message to friends (Facebook, Twitter, email) you think might be interested in telling us about their exercise to music preferences.

We hope the results of this study will help to make the exercise experience as enjoyable as possible and so increase the number of people who take part.

Thank you for your time

The survey offers a translation service to make it easier for non-English speakers and is now live:
