Time to Try Out Walking Rugby at Cumbria Leisure Centres

January 18, 2017
If you love rugby, either as an ex-player or a keen spectator, fear not, there is a new Walking Ruby initiative running in leisure centres across Cumbria. Open to both men and woman, come along and give it a go.
The course is running in seven centres throughout the county; all managed by GLL the UK's leading charitable leisure social enterprise, on behalf of local Cumbria Councils. Funding is available to run a total of 140 sessions plus a Walking Rugby Festival at the end of the programme, following a joint funding bid from Active Cumbria, GLL and Rugby League Cares to Sport England. Additional partners include Age UK who are also actively promoting the health benefits of the scheme.
Each centre is running two ten week courses, including one daytime and one evening slot. Sessions are mixed so men and women can play together and are aimed at anyone aged 50 and over, although anyone under 50 would not be turned away!
Richard Foster, Regional Community, Sport and Health Manager for GLL said “Although only walking is permitted participants will reap the rewards when it comes to health benefits, the nature of the sessions means that you are always on the move walking at a brisk pacing and dodging and weaving around opponents. Participants will work up quite a sweat during the 45 min/1 hour sessions. It’s also a great opportunity for socialising and meeting new people and we will be encouraging participants to stay around afterwards to have a cup of tea or coffee in centres with catering facilities”.
Joan Bailey at Age UK Carlisle & Eden is also fully behind the scheme. She said
”Age UK is delighted to be associated with the launch of this latest health and wellbeing project in the county. The organisation promotes the fitness and recreational side of Walking Rugby but also the social opportunities which would be beneficial to everyone as well”.
Courses begin in January and will run at The Sands Centre Carlisle, Harraby Campus Sports, Carlisle, Whitehaven Sports Centre and Workington, Penrith, Ulverston and Kendal Leisure Centres. There are a mixture of free fully funded and £1.50 subsidised sessions and participants just need to visit their local centre to sign up. Once the sessions are completed further social and more competitive follow on sessions will be agreed, following feedback from attendees.
There will be an official launch of the Walking Rugby programme on Monday 23rd January at 6pm at The Sands Centre, Carlisle.
Find out more at www.better.org.uk/walking-rugby