Time to Talk Day - 1st February

January 22, 2018
On the 1st February we will be joined by the Cumberland FA at Moorclose Community Centre to talk about mental health and have a bit of a kick about. Lots of other organisations will be there too with freebies galore - something for everyone.
Many know the statistic that mental health affects 1 in 4 of us. With thanks to research from Sport England & Mind, we now also know that getting active can have a positive impact on your physical health, but it can impact your mental health too – reducing the risk of depression by up to 30%, lifting mood and improving self-esteem. Despite this, 70% of people with a mental health problem say their mental health prevents them from taking part in sports.
These findings from the evaluation of the Mind Get Set to Go project tells us that much more is needed to be done to help people with mental health problems and better understanding is needed.
We are therefore taking part in the national campaign Time to Talk.
Join us on the 1st February at Moorclose Community Centre 10 - 12. To find out more contact russell.maddams@cumbria.gov.uk