Running for Better Mental Health in Barrow

May 10, 2019

If you’re looking for motivation to get fit in 2019, how about taking part in the Love Barrow Running Festival?

Organised by ‘Life Leisure Barrow Park’ in conjunction with Cumbria County Council, Barrow Borough Council & local running groups, the festival is now open for entries.

Taking place on Sunday 6th October 2019, the festival includes options for all from a ‘Measured Mile’ to a 10k Road Race, all starting from Barrow Town Hall.

In an effort to help raise awareness for Suicide Prevention, the Love Barrow Festival of Running will also incorporate a Mental Health Mile Fun Run & #BeWellFest which is open to all.

The festival will be an event for all with the goal of bringing awareness for suicide prevention & the promotion of positive mental health.

Our goals are to promote the awareness that suicide is a serious public health problem in the Barrow borough and that many suicides are preventable.

The #BeWellFest will also have a free workshop for parents and carers where they can learn how to recognize the signs of those battling with suicidal thoughts and what to do if they arise.

#BeWellFest will be the ideal platform to promote all the many local sports and social groups and clubs we have within the borough.  From fitness to arts & crafts, these groups not only offer the gateway to learn a new skill or hobby, but also equip you with a place of welcome and a ready-made community.

There will be professionals on hand to talk about suicide prevention and the efforts to address the struggle of those suffering from bullying, depression and feelings of hopelessness.

Cllr Kevin Hamilton said: “We’re really looking forward the event. Following the Tour of Britain, we want to create more sporting events for all in the town, not only do these events bring visitors but it also creates a fun, positive atmosphere in the borough.”

Visit to enter either race

For more information about the Festival of Running please contact, please contact Samantha Walton

For more information, about #BeWellFest, please contact

T: 07825 783060