Appleby Aqua Fit sessions invite older adults to take a dip

October 31, 2023
With new figures from Swim England showcasing the value of swimming to the country, Active Cumbria have given their backing to the new campaign in support of Cumbria’s swimming pools.
The research shows that aquatic activity generates £2.4billion of social value and we are keen to do even more to maximise the benefits of public sport and leisure services.
We’re supporting Swim England’s Don’t Put a Cap on Swimming campaign which aims to secure investment to support existing and build new swimming facilities, increase access to outdoor swimming opportunities and strengthen the links between the health and leisure sectors to ensure there is a sustainable network of pools for the future.
The Live Longer Better in Cumbria Reconditioning Fund is providing Aqua Mobility in Appleby, a winter indoor pool Fit4All session at Appleby Pool. The project is a joint initiative with the NHS, Westmorland and Furness Council and Eden Primary Care Network.
Weekly Aqua Fit sessions will run for an initial six month period. Fit4All instructors have specialist aquafit, water confidence and hydrotherapy qualifications and experience and alongside Aqua Fit will be available for one-to-one swimming coaching for anyone wanting to improve their swimming ability and technique. The sessions are a welcome addition to the Appleby Pool timetable for older adults to gain confidence in the water whilst keeping physically active.
The sessions are proving to be extremely beneficial to participants health and wellbeing with feedback including:
“Attending the group reduces my need for medication”
“I have new friends and gained confidence”
“Its helped to lift low mood and been motivational in encouraging me to be more active”
“Its really great its on over the winter, as I find the season difficult, so this is motivation to get out and socialise”
“I enjoy having a giggle and laugh at the same time - it makes me want to do more.”
“This class is keeping me mobile, especially as its easy on the joints”
All are welcome to the sessions which take place at Appleby Pool, Chapel Street, Appleby CA16 6QR weekly on Monday from 11am to 12noon. The funded cost is £3 per session.
For more information please contact
Roo Bannister e-mail or
Rhiannon Douglas e-mail
To find out more about Swim England’s Don’t Put a Cap on It campaign visit
Click here to find out more about other projects funded through the Live Longer Better in Cumbria Reconditioning Fund.