GDPR Guidance from the Sport Sector

April 23, 2018

Sport England have been working closely with the Sport and Recreation Alliance to provide resources to support organisations in the sector with GDPR compliance. A toolkit is now available via the Sport & Recreation Alliance website

1)    What is the GDPR toolkit?

The GDPR toolkit is a set of templates, resources and supporting guidance notes to help organisations across the sport and recreation sector, from national organisations down to grassroots clubs meet the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation which comes into force on 25 March 2018.

2)    Who can access the GDPR toolkit?

The GDPR toolkit is available to any organisation operating within the sport and recreation sector. You do not have to be a member of the Sport and Recreation Alliance.

3)    Where can I access the GDPR toolkit?

The GDPR toolkit is available on the Sport and Recreation Alliance website here.

4)    Who are the Sport and Recreation Alliance?

The Sport and Recreation Alliance brings together the sport and recreation sector and supports members to tackle challenges and take advantage of opportunities. We are the voice of the sector with Government, policy makers and the media. We help get the nation active at the grassroots by providing advice, support and guidance.

5)    Who is funding this project?

Sport England has commissioned the Sport and Recreation Alliance to provide the sport and recreation sector with resources to help meet the requirements of the GDPR. The resources within the toolkit have been drafted by Gateley Plc, a UK law firm with a wealth of experience across a wide range of sports. 

6)    Why do I need to share my name, email and organisation type to access the toolkit?

To help us track the success of the toolkit and better understand the type of resources different organisations across the sector need we want to understand the type of organisations accessing the toolkit.

As we will be adding more resources to the toolkit in the coming weeks we will use your email address to keep you updated on when these resources become available. You can opt out of these emails at any time by clicking the unsubscribe button at the bottom of each email.

Your email address will only be used to contact you around GDPR and will not be shared with any third parties.

7)    When will the rest of the toolkit be available?

We will be releasing additional GDPR resources in batches over the next few weeks. We expect the final batch to be available by the start of May. We will alert any organisation who has accessed the toolkit via email when additional resources become available.

8)    I am having trouble accessing the toolkit, who should I contact?

If you are experiencing technical difficulties accessing the GDPR toolkit please email

9)    I need further support around GDPR compliance, who should I contact?

The Sport and Recreation Alliance will be working with a third party to provide additional support to the sector in the coming months. Details of this support will be shared with those who have accessed the toolkit as soon as it is available.

This support will not be in the form of 1-2-1 consultancy but will focus on helping organisations deal with some of the most common questions and challenges arising around GDPR within a group learning environment.

The Sport and Recreation Alliance does not, unfortunately, have the knowledge, expertise or capacity to support organisations with their GDPR compliance on an individual basis.

If you have further questions, we would suggest you start by reviewing the resource listed below.

10) Where can I find more information about GDPR?

Information Commissioner's Office – Guide to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)