Resources & Offers for Schools

Link to the activity alliance website resources

Activity Alliance

Activity Alliance is the national charity and leading voice for disabled people in sport and activity.  New resources are available to improve PE and school sport for young disabled people across the UK.  The activity cards provide teachers and school staff with the knowledge, skills and confidence to plan and deliver inclusive and accessible PE sessions.  You can find the resources on the Activity Alliance website.

British Blind Sport

British Blind Sport (BPS) is the national sports charity for children and adults with sight loss in the UK. We use the power of sport to change the lives of people with sight loss and support them to lead more active, healthy healthy and independent. 

To find out more here.

Child Protection in Sport Unit 

The Child Protection in Sport Unit (CPSU) is a partnership between the NSPCCSport EnglandSport Northern Ireland and Sport Wales.

The Department for Education has published an updated version of the statutory guidance Keeping children safe in education, which revises and replaces the 2015 guidance. The Child Protection In Sport Unit has a suite of resources for keeping children safe in sport in schools. See Here>>

Community Sport and NGB Offers 

These are a range of partners both local and national who have sport/physical activity offers aimed at supporting schools with their PE & Sport provision. Please Note: These offers are not quality assured and inclusion within Active Cumbria website is no guarantee of quality.

See Here>> 

The Change for Life School Zone

The Change for Life team are dedicated to providing quality resources, classroom ideas plus great ideas for PE lessons. The school zone is where you'll find curriculum-linked resources and inspiration to help you teach children about healthy eating and being active.

The Association for Physical Education (afPE)

The AFPE is the only representative PE Subject Association in the UK. Their purpose is to promote and maintain high standards and safe practice in all aspects and at all levels of physical education, influencing developments in physical education at national and local levels.

As the Subject Association for physical education they provide quality assured membership services and resources, and valuable professional support for members and the teaching profession through a range of high quality professional development opportunities, regular updates, member journals, insurance and helplines for health & safety and legal advice.

Youth Sport Trust

The Youth Sport Trust is a British charitable trust which aims to support the education and development of young people through physical education.