Tri Golf

Cumbria Tri Golf Skills Festival
Tri Golf was developed to enable golf to be delivered to primary school children by teachers within the school environment. A range of fun based games and activities have been developed and are completed by each participant at this simple competition.
We host four County level School Games events for Golf, these are:
- Yrs 3 & 4 (Small Schools)
- Yrs 3 & 4 (Large Schools)
- Yrs 5 & 6 (Small Schools)
- Yrs 5 & 6 (Large Schools)
Cumbria Tri Golf Skills Competition Yrs 3 & 4 (Small Schools)
School Games Values: Honesty
• Adding up the score honestly
• Never cheating
• Admitting when I am wrong
Date: Wednesday 7th July 2021, 10.00am – 3.30pm
Venue: The Sheepmount (Main Venue), Mayors Drive, Carlisle, Cumbria, CA3 8XL
Cancellation Policy: In the event that the competition has to be cancelled due to the extreme weather conditions the event organisers will inform school teams no later than lunch time the day prior to the event. No alternative date will be arranged.
Year Group: Year 3 & Year 4 (Combined), 7 - 9 year olds
Gender: Mixed
Team / Squad size: The competition is for the primary school team that is successful in their retrospective competition in their local district.
Each school team should consist of 5 girls and 5 boys from Years 3 and 4.
Clothing / equipment requirements: The competition will be held outdoors on grass, so pupils will need to bring appropriate clothes to suit the weather.
Refreshments: Lunch and refreshments will NOT be provided during the competition. Please ensure your pupils bring some lunch and liquid refreshments with them.
Transport arrangements: Qualifying teams selected to compete at this competition will be asked to make their own transport arrangements to and from the venue and will be expected to cover any associated costs.
Welfare: All competing teams will receive a copy of the event welfare plan prior to the event. The plan will outline clear lines of communication for any welfare issues and provide clarification of roles, responsibilities and procedures that should be followed should an incident or accident occur.
Event Format: Each team of 10 (five boys and five girls) will rotate around eight skill challenges with 5 minutes on each of the following stations:
- Bullseye
- Dominoes
- Drive for Show
- Finders Keepers
- Grand National
- Tunnel
- Zone Ball
- Go for the Green
Rules: Guidance on the rules of the competition and each individual station is available within Golf Roots School Games Toolkit which can be downloaded online
Scoring: Pupils/Schools will accumulate points as they travel around the different stations. Teams will be placed with the highest point scorer being the winner etc.
Think Inclusively: Teams of 10 must have five boys and five girls. The format of the skills challenge allows all abilities to play together. See page 15 in the Golf Roots School Games Toolkit
Pathways: All competitions should be linked to a wider HSBC Golf Roots project with links to local clubs, quality coaching through an extensive network of PGA coaches and opportunities for young people to volunteer at events as well as progress through the player pathway into County Academy Programmes. To find your local Golf Roots Centre visit
Additional information: The Golf Foundation has developed an exciting new toolkit of resource built on the success of their programmes to support the School Games. The School Games Toolkit can be downloaded online
Whats New?
- As part of this event we will be using self scoring at the Dominoes station. This will follow from the Local Inter schools competition.
- Young Leaders will also oversee the Dominoes Station and cross reference.
- Results from the Local Inter competition to be fed through prior to county event, to be used as a reference guide for the personal best challenge
- Young leaders are looking to award one person using the three objective values stated for Honesty.
Entry Details: Via your local School Games Organiser
Cumbria Tri Golf Skills FestivalYrs 3 & 4 (Large School)
School Games Values: Honesty
• Adding up the score honestly
• Never cheating
• Admitting when I am wrong
Date: Wednesday 7th July 2021, 10.00am – 3.30pm
Venue: The Sheepmount (Main Venue), Mayors Drive, Carlisle, Cumbria, CA3 8XL
Cancellation Policy: In the event that the competition has to be cancelled due to the extreme weather conditions the event organisers will inform school teams no later than lunch time the day prior to the event. No alternative date will be arranged.
Year Group: Year 3 & Year 4 (Combined), 7 - 9 year olds
Gender: Mixed
Team / Squad size: The competition is for the primary school team that is successful in their retrospective competition in their local district.
Each school team should consist of 5 girls and 5 boys from Years 3 and 4.
Clothing / equipment requirements: The competition will be held outdoors on grass, so pupils will need to bring appropriate clothes to suit the weather.
Refreshments: Lunch and refreshments will NOT be provided during the competition. Please ensure your pupils bring some lunch and liquid refreshments with them.
Transport arrangements: Qualifying teams selected to compete at this competition will be asked to make their own transport arrangements to and from the venue and will be expected to cover any associated costs.
Welfare: All competing teams will receive a copy of the event welfare plan prior to the event. The plan will outline clear lines of communication for any welfare issues and provide clarification of roles, responsibilities and procedures that should be followed should an incident or accident occur.
Event Format: Each team of 10 (five boys and five girls) will rotate around eight skill challenges with 5 minutes on each of the following stations:
- Bullseye
- Dominoes
- Drive for Show
- Finders Keepers
- Grand National
- Tunnel
- Zone Ball
- Go for the Green
Rules: Guidance on the rules of the competition and each individual station is available within Golf Roots School Games Toolkit which can be downloaded online
Scoring: Pupils/Schools will accumulate points as they travel around the different stations. Teams will be placed with the highest point scorer being the winner etc.
Think Inclusively: Teams of 10 must have five boys and five girls. The format of the skills challenge allows all abilities to play together. See page 15 in the Golf Roots School Games Toolkit
Pathways: All competitions should be linked to a wider HSBC Golf Roots project with links to local clubs, quality coaching through an extensive network of PGA coaches and opportunities for young people to volunteer at events as well as progress through the player pathway into County Academy Programmes. To find your local Golf Roots Centre visit
Additional information: The Golf Foundation has developed an exciting new toolkit of resource built on the success of their programmes to support the School Games. The School Games Toolkit can be downloaded online
Whats New?
- As part of this event we will be using self scoring at the Dominoes station. This will follow from the Local Inter schools competition.
- Young Leaders will also oversee the Dominoes Station and cross reference.
- Results from the Local Inter competition to be fed through prior to county event, to be used as a reference guide for the personal best challenge
- Young leaders are looking to award one person using the three objective values stated for Honesty.
Entry Details: Via your local School Games Organiser
Cumbria Tri Golf Skills Festival Yrs 5 & 6 (Small Schools)
School Games Values: Honesty
• Adding up the score honestly
• Never cheating
• Admitting when I am wrong
Date: Wednesday 7th July 2021, 10.00am – 3.30pm
Venue: The Sheepmount (Main Venue), Mayors Drive, Carlisle, Cumbria, CA3 8XL
Cancellation Policy: In the event that the competition has to be cancelled due to the extreme weather conditions the event organisers will inform school teams no later than lunch time the day prior to the event. No alternative date will be arranged.
Year Group: Year 5 & Year 6 (Combined), 9 – 11 year olds
Gender: Mixed
Team / Squad size: The competition is for the primary school team that is successful in their retrospective competition in their local district.
Each school team should consist of 5 girls and 5 boys from Years 5 and 6.
Clothing / equipment requirements: Schools will be expected to wear their appropriate school / PE uniform i.e. shorts, polo shirt/t-shirt and suitable trainers/footwear. The competition will be held outdoors so pupils will need to bring appropriate clothes to suit the weather.
Refreshments: Lunch and refreshments will NOT be provided during the competition. Please ensure your pupils bring some lunch and liquid refreshments with them.
Transport arrangements: Qualifying teams selected to compete at this competition will be asked to make their own transport arrangements to and from the venue and will be expected to cover any associated costs.
Welfare: All competing teams will receive a copy of the event welfare plan prior to the event. The plan will outline clear lines of communication for any welfare issues and provide clarification of roles, responsibilities and procedures that should be followed should an incident or accident occur.
Event Format: Each school team of 10 (five boys and five girls) will rotate around eight skill challenges with 5 minutes on each of the following stations:
- Bullseye
- Dominoes
- Drive for Show
- Finders Keepers
- Grand National
- Tunnel
- Zone Ball
- Go for the Green
Rules: Guidance on the rules of the competition and each individual station is available within Golf Roots School Games Toolkit which can be downloaded online
Scoring: Pupils/Schools will accumulate points as they travel around the different stations. Teams will be placed with the highest point scorer being the winner etc.
Think Inclusively: Teams of 10 must have five boys and five girls. The format of the skills challenge allows all abilities to play together. See page 15 in the Golf Roots School Games Toolkit
Pathways: All competitions should be linked to a wider HSBC Golf Roots project with links to local clubs, quality coaching through an extensive network of PGA coaches and opportunities for young people to volunteer at events as well as progress through the player pathway into County Academy Programmes. To find your local Golf Roots Centre visit
Additional information: The Golf Foundation has developed an exciting new toolkit of resource built on the success of their programmes to support the School Games. The School Games Toolkit can be downloaded online
Whats New?
- As part of this event we will be using self scoring at the Dominoes station. This will follow from the Local Inter schools competition.
- Young Leaders will also oversee the Dominoes Station and cross reference.
- Results from the Local Inter competition to be fed through prior to county event, to be used as a reference guide for the personal best challenge
- Young leaders are looking to award one person using the three objective values stated for Honesty.
Entry Details: Via your local School Games Organiser
Cumbria Tri Golf Skills Festival Yrs 5 & 6 (Large Schools)
School Games Values: Honesty
• Adding up the score honestly
• Never cheating
• Admitting when I am wrong
Date: Wednesday 7th July 2021, 10.00am – 3.30pm
Venue: The Sheepmount (Main Venue), Mayors Drive, Carlisle, Cumbria, CA3 8XL
Cancellation Policy: In the event that the competition has to be cancelled due to the extreme weather conditions the event organisers will inform school teams no later than lunch time the day prior to the event. No alternative date will be arranged.
Year Group: Year 5 & Year 6 (Combined), 9 – 11 year olds
Gender: Mixed
Team / Squad size: The competition is for the primary school team that is successful in their retrospective competition in their local district.
Each school team should consist of 5 girls and 5 boys from Years 5 and 6.
Clothing / equipment requirements: Schools will be expected to wear their appropriate school / PE uniform i.e. shorts, polo shirt/t-shirt and suitable trainers/footwear. The competition will be held outdoors so pupils will need to bring appropriate clothes to suit the weather.
Refreshments: Lunch and refreshments will NOT be provided during the competition. Please ensure your pupils bring some lunch and liquid refreshments with them.
Transport arrangements: Qualifying teams selected to compete at this competition will be asked to make their own transport arrangements to and from the venue and will be expected to cover any associated costs.
Welfare: All competing teams will receive a copy of the event welfare plan prior to the event. The plan will outline clear lines of communication for any welfare issues and provide clarification of roles, responsibilities and procedures that should be followed should an incident or accident occur.
Event Format: Each school team of 10 (five boys and five girls) will rotate around eight skill challenges with 5 minutes on each of the following stations:
- Bullseye
- Dominoes
- Drive for Show
- Finders Keepers
- Grand National
- Tunnel
- Zone Ball
- Go for the Green
Rules: Guidance on the rules of the competition and each individual station is available within Golf Roots School Games Toolkit which can be downloaded online
Scoring: Pupils/Schools will accumulate points as they travel around the different stations. Teams will be placed with the highest point scorer being the winner etc.
Think Inclusively: Teams of 10 must have five boys and five girls. The format of the skills challenge allows all abilities to play together. See page 15 in the Golf Roots School Games Toolkit
Pathways: All competitions should be linked to a wider HSBC Golf Roots project with links to local clubs, quality coaching through an extensive network of PGA coaches and opportunities for young people to volunteer at events as well as progress through the player pathway into County Academy Programmes. To find your local Golf Roots Centre visit
Additional information: The Golf Foundation has developed an exciting new toolkit of resource built on the success of their programmes to support the School Games. The School Games Toolkit can be downloaded online
Whats New?
- As part of this event we will be using self scoring at the Dominoes station. This will follow from the Local Inter schools competition.
- Young Leaders will also oversee the Dominoes Station and cross reference.
- Results from the Local Inter competition to be fed through prior to county event, to be used as a reference guide for the personal best challenge
- Young leaders are looking to award one person using the three objective values stated for Honesty.
Entry Details: Via your local School Games Organiser