Table Cricket

Cumbria U19 Team Table Cricket Competition

Table Cricket develops team-work, co-ordination, confidence, tactical awareness, communication skills, aids physical and mental development and increases self-esteem.

School Games Value: Passion

•           Being positive and enjoying the event

•           Trying my best

•           Keep trying if I make a mistake

Date: Wednesday 26 May 2021, 10.30am – 1.30pm

Venue: Penrith Leisure Centre, Southend Road, Penrith, Cumbria, CA11 8JH

Cancellation Policy: In the event that the tournament has to be cancelled due to extreme weather conditions the event organisers will inform the team managers no later than lunch time the day prior to the event. No alternative date will be arranged.

Year Group: Year 7 to Year 13  (Combined), 11 – 19 year olds)with a disability or special educational needs.

Gender: Mixed gender teams are encouraged

Team / Squad size: The competition is for the school team that is successful in their retrospective competitions in their local district. All players must have at least one or more of the following disabilities / impairments:

  • Learning Difficulty / Disability
  • Deaf or Hard of Hearing
  • Blind or Visually impaired
  • Physical Impairment (Ambulant)
  • Physical Impairment (Wheelchair User)
  • Emotional or Behavioural Difficulties
  • Special Educational Needs

Teams must include a minimum of 6 Players and a maximum of 8 Players per Team. (6 players plus 2 substitutes)

Table Cricket is devised for youngsters who were unable to play a sport like table tennis at even a recreational level. Table Cricket provides activity challenges for these individuals so the game can be appreciated as a credible sporting experience. Please give priority to these youngsters when selected your teams. Please encourage as many young people who fit the Table Cricket Classification Groups to engage in this event.

For more information visit

Players from more than one school in a district may form one team if required.

Clothing / equipment requirements: The tournament will be held in a sports hall so participants will be expected to wear their appropriate school PE uniform, i.e. shorts, schools polo shirt or t-shirt and suitable trainers/footwear.

Refreshments: Lunch and refreshments will NOT be provided during the competition. Please ensure your pupils bring some lunch and liquid refreshments with them.

Transport arrangements: Teams participating at this event will be asked to make their own transport arrangements to and from the venue. The Cumbria LOC agree to pay schools either the cost of the transport or mileage at a rate of 45 pence per mile to the county event. For more information regarding transport costs, please contact

Welfare: All competing teams will receive a copy of the event welfare plan prior to the event. The plan will outline clear lines of communication for any welfare issues and provide clarification of roles, responsibilities and procedures that should be followed should an incident or accident occur.

Event Format: 6 vs 6 Team Table Cricket Round Robin Competition



  • The batting team starts with 200 runs.
  • The bowler bowls by releasing the ball down and off the end of the launcher.
  • The batter scores by hitting and guiding the ball against the green scoring zones around the table and avoiding the fielders.
  • The batter is out (loses five runs) if they:
    • Hit the red part of the fielder (white part means no score);
    • Is bowled (ball goes over their end of the table between the wide markers);
    • Glances the ball anywhere over their end of the table;
    • Hits the launcher (caught and bowled);
    • The ball hits their hand, arm or body (LBW);
    • The ball is hit off the table by a ballistic hit (swipe or hit) – a guided push should be used at all times.
  • Each batter plays one over six balls.
  • The wining team is that with the highest cumulative score after everyone has batted.
  • The swing ball can now be used at any time with no limitation
  • Four fielders (the two at the bowlers end and the two at the batters end, 20cm from the end of the table) are fixed at all times.
  • All the remaining five fielders (3 leg side & 2 off side) can be used as active fielders at all times.
  • Clashing fielders now result in a 4 run penalty

You can find full Table Cricket Rules online cricket

Scoring: The scoring system is as follows: two runs if the ball hits the side square of the batter, four runs if anywhere else down the sides, two runs for a shot either side of the launcher and six runs in either far corner. For more information visit 

Pathways: The National Competition runs regional heats across the country and it’s hoped that County competitions can also double up as County Regional Heats, with the winners progressing to the next stage of the competition, which culminates in a National Final at Lords. For more information visit 

Additional information: Please note the rules were updated in 2013/14

For more information visit 

Whats New? This event will retain its traditional format.

- Young Leaders to award points around the three objective values stated for Passion.

- The team with the most value points will be awarded certificates. 

Entry Details: Via your local School Games Organiser