
We host two netball competitions at County level, these are:
Cumbria High 5 Girls Netball Competition
High 5 is the massively popular entry game of Netball. It’s a great way for kids to get active, enjoy themselves and make new friends. It’s designed specifically for children, aged 9-11, and uses fun and variety to get them into the game, polish skills and aid fitness.
School Games Value: Respect
• Being polite, not shouting or losing my temper
• Three cheers for other players and thanking them for the game
Date: Wednesday 7th July 2021, 10.00am – 3.30pm
Venue: The Sheepmount (Main Venue), Mayors Drive, Carlisle, Cumbria, CA3 8XL
Cancellation Policy: In the event that the competition l has to be cancelled due to extreme weather conditions the event organisers will inform school squads no later than lunch time the day prior to the event. The event may also be called off and abandoned during the event due to adverse weather. No alternative date will be arranged.
Year Group: Year 5 & Year 6 (Combined) - 9 – 11 year olds
Gender: Girls
Team / Squad size: The competition is for the primary school squad that are successful in their retrospective competitions in their local district.
The school squad must consist of 7 players. All players should be from years 5 or 6.
2 small schools may form one district team if required.
Clothing / equipment requirements: All players must wear appropriate clothing for hard courts. All players must wear appropriate bibs with their position on it during games. Bibs can be provided if needed
Refreshments: Lunch and refreshments will NOT be provided during the competition. Please ensure your pupils bring some lunch and liquid refreshments with them.
Transport arrangements: Qualifying teams selected to compete at this competition will be asked to make their own transport arrangements to and from the venue and will be expected to cover any associated costs.
Welfare: All competing squads will receive a copy of the event welfare plan prior to the event. The plan will outline clear lines of communication for any welfare issues and provide clarification of roles, responsibilities and procedures that should be followed should an incident or accident occur.
Event Format: Teams will compete in mini round robins. The 3rd placed teams in both mini leagues then play for 5th and 6th position. The bottom of league A then plays the runner of league B and the winner of league B play the runner up of league A. The runners up in each of the above, play off for 4th and 3rd position whilst the winners of the above matches play for 2nd and 1st position.
Rules: The High 5 Netball Rulebook is available to download online
Scoring: Matches will be scored in the normal way (1-0, 1-3 etc.) and points will be given depending on teams win, lose or draw.
Think Inclusively: High 5 Netball is designed to enable young people to pick up key skills and experiences through flexible fun play that includes everyone. The rules give lots of freedom around the court and give players more time to make decisions. Through rotating players also get to try out every position. A brightly coloured netball can also be used for players with a visual impairment.
Pathways: England Netball has developed a diagram showing how a player can progress through the different stages of player development and levels of competition which exist within the game. Visit the Player Pathway section on
There are also a number of junior clubs around Cumbria that young people can access. For more information contact Ellen Pearce - or 07458 126934
Additional information: There are lots of High 5 Resources and downloads available at including rules, rotation sheets, and match score sheets.
Selected squads will be expected to submit a squad list prior to the festival in order to ensure correct squads and rotations.
Whats New? This event will retain its traditional format
- Sport Leaders to award points around the three objectives set around the Respect value.
- The team with the most value points will be awarded certificates.
- The team structure has changed from being a mixed event to girls only.
Entry Details: Via your local School Games Organiser
Cumbria Year 7 Girls Netball Competition
Netball is a great way for kids to get active, enjoy themselves and make new friends. It’s designed specifically for girls, aged 11-12.
School Games Value: Respect
• Being polite, not shouting or losing my temper
• Three cheers for other players and thanking them for the game
• Listening to the coach/teacher/umpire
Date: Wednesday 7th July 2021, 10.00am – 3.30pm
Venue: The Sheepmount (Main Venue), Mayors Drive, Carlisle, Cumbria, CA3 8XL
Cancellation Policy: In the event that the festival has to be cancelled due to extreme weather conditions the event organisers will inform school squads no later than lunch time the day prior to the event. The event may also be called off and abandoned during the event due to adverse weather. No alternative date will be arranged.
Year Group: Year 7, 11 – 12 year olds
Gender: The game is a single sex competition for girls only.
Team / Squad size: The competition is for the secondary school squad that are successful in their retrospective competitions in their local district.
The squad can name up to twelve players prior to the start of the game. Seven players will take to the court and substitutions may be made in accordance with the official netball rules.
Each team to provide a qualified umpire for the competition
Clothing / equipment requirements: All players must wear appropriate clothing for hard courts. All players must wear appropriate bibs with their position on it during games. Bibs can be provided if needed.
Refreshments: Lunch and refreshments will NOT be provided during the competition. Please ensure your pupils bring some lunch and liquid refreshments with them.
Transport arrangements: Teams participating at this event will be asked to make their own transport arrangements to and from the venue. The Cumbria LOC agree to pay schools either the cost of the transport or mileage at a rate of 45 pence per mile to the county event. For more information regarding transport costs, please contact
Welfare: All competing squads will receive a copy of the event welfare plan prior to the event. The plan will outline clear lines of communication for any welfare issues and provide clarification of roles, responsibilities and procedures that should be followed should an incident or accident occur.
Event Format: Teams will compete in one of two mini round robins. The 3rd placed teams in both mini leagues then play for 5th and 6th position. The bottom of league A then plays the runner of league B and the winner of league B play the runner up of league A. The runners up in each of the above, play off for 4th and 3rd position whilst the winners of the above matches play for 2nd and 1st position.
Rules: A summary of rules and regulations can be downloaded via
Scoring: Matches will be scored in the normal way (1-0, 1-3 etc) and points will be given depending on teams win, lose or draw.
Think Inclusively: A bright coloured netball can be used for visually impaired players.
Pathways: England Netball has developed a diagram showing how a player can progress through the different stages of player development and levels of competition which exist within the game. Visit the Player Pathway section on
There are also a number of junior clubs around Cumbria that young people can access. For more information contact Ellen Pearce - or 07458 126934
Additional information: There are lots of 7 a side Resources and downloads available at
Selected squads will be expected to submit a squad team sheet prior to the festival.
Whats New? This event will retain its traditional format
- Young Leaders to award points around the three objective values stated for Respect.
- The team with the most value points will be awarded certificates.
Entry Details: Via your local School Games Organiser