Spirit of the Games Values


The seven values of passion, belief, respect, honesty, determination, teamwork and eco-friendly were developed by young people to identify what the experience of school sport should be based upon.

These values have been successfully applied by schools to develop a range of behaviours, qualities and inter-personal skills with their students based on sporting experiences, scenarios and attitudes. The Cumbria School Games has strengthened its alignment to these values by identifying at least one value that will be the focus for each sporting event.

The Spirit of the Games Values focus on personal excellence through competition. These are:

Here we have Spirit - Cumbria School Games Mascot

Picture2.pngDetermination: No goal was ever met without a little sweat!

Cumbria School Games Logo

Picture1.jpgTeam work: Together everyone achieves more.

Picture3.pngSelf-belief: The only limits that exist are the ones in our own mind!

Picture4.pngHonesty: I make the right choice, not the easy choice!

Picture5.pngPassion: Our passion is our strength! 

Picture7.pngRespect: I win with humility. I lose with grace. I play with respect. 

Picture6.jpgEco Friendly: Think more about everyday choices to help the planet.