Whitehaven Harbour Youth Project
This is a group of young people aged from 18 to 28 who used to meet in the centre every fortnight. The group is for young adults with special needs. Most are on the autistic spectrum, but also have a variety of other issues
The Fusion group participated in sport when they meet in the centre. This was led by the youth workers.
Since lockdown WHYP have trialled moving this group onto zoom and after a few technical issues. The project was to buy laptops with cameras and microphones and a subscription to zoom. This hardware and training allowed the group to increase regular weekly meetings, and the feedback from the young adults and their parents is that without this contact with some of their friends they would have really suffered during lockdown.
Physical activity was incorporated into the zoom meetings. Young people are “given homework” – asking them to be active every day and record what they have been doing, mileage of walks, duration and sharing their own ideas around favourite online workouts etc.
Training outcomes - Disadvantaged and disabled Young people and parent/ carers trained to use technology
Increased interactions/ numbers of people - More of this group able to participate and numbers increased from around 8 each session to 14 each session. Greater engagement now to lead to greater activity once further restrictions are lifted.
Others - The equipment and staff knowledge can be used with WHYP other youth groups who contain a mixture of young people but a large percentage from the surrounding area which is an area of disadvantage/deprivation.
Staffing, Training and ICT
Total: £ 2150