
Phase 1 funding: This project seeks to empower individuals to feel confident and safe to engage with daily activities and support them in activities without fear of bullying or harassment.
Groundwork along with TogetherWe have developed a programme of support over a minimum of 6 weeks including the following:
- Structured sessions covering body image, self-awareness and general fitness.
- Advice on personal protection from female fitness instructors including techniques via workshops.
- Facilitation to enable and encourage attendance at sessions including purchase of safe culturally acceptable headwear, trousers and trainers and translation of key messages.
- Accompanying workbooks translated into Arabic on exercise and techniques to enable participants to continue their personal development work from home after the project completes.
- An extended 12-week period of free attendance at the TogetherWe gym.
- The opportunity to join the BBO programme Choices Cumbria, where further help would be available to identify training, work and activities to improve their prospects and to keep fit at home.
This project was seeking to empower individuals to feel confident and safe to engage with daily activities and support them in activities without fear of bullying or harassment. This programme had a significant impact plus the following additional outcomes:
- Participants encouraging more family members to do outdoor exercise and sport
Identification of other sporting pursuits such as swimming to be introduced through other funding streams.
Improved confidence reported in social and community settings outside the home.
Female participants staying behind afterwards for coffee and socialisation.
All involved introduced to a range of different activities including dance, bounce, Pilates, chair-based exercise, boxing, weight training, circuits and many other forms of exercise
Participants walking or using public transport more confidently to access activities
Participants interacting with people from different cultural backgrounds and practicing English.